Mastering Espresso Extraction: The Key Tools and Techniques

Espresso extraction is an art, and understanding the nuances can elevate your coffee game to professional levels. In past discussions, you may have touched on dose, yield, and time as primary parameters. Now, the focus shifts to the tools and models employed to manipulate these parameters for achieving the best flavor outcomes. It’s not just … Read more

Reflecting on Decaf: Clearing Up the Confusion

A recent video on decaf coffee had several errors that needed correction. Key points about the decaffeination process were missed out initially. The complexities of brewing decaf coffee at home were not fully addressed. Future videos will delve deeper into different decaf processes. In a recent video, some key points about decaf coffee were missed, … Read more

Choosing the Perfect Home Espresso Machine: A Coffee Lover’s Guide

Shopping online for home espresso machines can be overwhelming, especially when you can’t test them firsthand or understand their inner workings. At Clive, the goal is to help clear the confusion so you can confidently make espresso at home and enjoy the process. Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, espresso machines vary significantly. It’s essential to determine the … Read more

Exploring the Rich and Unique World of Vietnamese Coffee

Coffee, although originating in Ethiopia, has woven its roots deep into various cultures worldwide, evolving uniquely in each. One particularly intriguing coffee culture is that of Vietnam—a nation that stands as the second-largest coffee producer globally. Notably, Vietnam predominantly grows Robusta coffee, which accounts for 90% of its coffee production. Robusta differs significantly from the … Read more

Mastering the Art of Dialing in Espresso

Crafting the perfect shot of espresso doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right technique and tools, it can even be a deeply rewarding experience. Ensuring your espresso machine is fully preheated and organized with all necessary accessories is the first step. Essentials include a high-quality tamper, an accurate espresso scale, and fresh … Read more

The Complex Art of Coffee Roasting Unveiled

Coffee roasting is an intricate art, blending science and skill to unlock the hidden flavors within each bean. At Olympia Coffee Roasting, the journey begins with the green coffee buyer meticulously selecting heirloom varietals from high altitudes. These older varieties promise more elegance and sweetness, essential for producing top-quality coffee. Upon receiving the fresh green … Read more

The Dark Side of Home Espresso

Espresso enthusiasts often revel in the beauty of perfect shots, sleek machines, and artfully crafted lattes. However, the reality of home espresso can sometimes be quite different and fraught with frustrating mishaps. From soggy coffee pucks to disastrous sprays that ruin your favorite shirt, the journey to that impeccable shot can be riddled with challenges. … Read more