Exploring Famous Coffee Drinks from Around the Globe

Coffee is more than a drink; it’s a cultural phenomenon experienced differently across the globe. Various regions have crafted unique coffee recipes that offer distinct flavors and sensations. In this exploration, we look at some of the most beloved coffee drinks and how they are prepared.

From Ireland to Vietnam, each coffee drink has its own story and method of preparation. These coffee recipes offer a glimpse into the diverse ways coffee is enjoyed. Therefore, whether you are a coffee aficionado or just curious, this journey will introduce you to some amazing concoctions.

Irish Coffee

Irish coffee is a renowned coffee cocktail. It blends hot filter coffee with Irish whiskey and sugar. This combination is topped with lightly whipped cream. The warm coffee and whiskey sip through the cold, rich cream, creating a unique blend of flavors and temperatures.

This drink involves making filter coffee using an AeroPress and preheating a goblet-style glass with hot water. The basic recipe consists of four parts filter coffee, two teaspoons of sugar, one part whiskey, and one part cream poured over a spoon to keep the layers separate.


Affogato is an Italian coffee dessert. It consists of a scoop of vanilla ice cream topped with a shot of espresso. The hot coffee melts the cold ice cream, creating a rich and creamy blend of flavors and temperatures.

This simple treat requires only two ingredients: vanilla ice cream and espresso. A typical recipe uses two parts gelato and one part espresso. Cooling the cup can slow the melting of the ice cream, maintaining the temperature contrast for longer.

Frappe and Fredo Espresso

Frappe is a famous iced coffee drink from Greece. It is made by blending instant coffee with cold water, sugar, and ice cubes, then served in a tall glass with a straw.

Meanwhile, Fredo Espresso, a modern favorite in Greece, uses fresh double espresso instead of instant coffee. Made using a similar process, it involves double espresso poured over ice and mixed with a handheld frother before being served in a tall glass with a straw. Unlike traditional espresso, both drinks are meant to be enjoyed slowly.

Dirty Coffee

Dirty coffee is a trendy drink in Southeast Asia. It involves hot espresso poured over cold milk in a glass.

To create this drink, thicker and very cold milk is used to keep the espresso and milk layers separate. Some recipes mix full-fat milk with condensed milk or heavy cream to achieve this. A simple glass filled with chilled milk, with a single shot of espresso poured over it, creates this dynamic drink.

Flat White

Flat White is a popular milk-espresso drink from Australia and New Zealand. It features a prominent coffee flavor and a smooth texture with a thin layer of microfoam on top.

A typical recipe starts with a double shot of espresso in a ceramic cup. Full-fat milk is steamed to a velvety texture and poured over the espresso, creating a creamy texture with a thin layer of foam. Skilled baristas can even add latte art on top.

Vietnamese Coffee

Vietnamese coffee is known for its strong flavor. It is brewed using a traditional metal drip filter, often with Robusta beans, and served over sweetened condensed milk.

The method involves adding ground coffee to the filter, placing it over a cup with condensed milk, and pouring hot water over it. The coffee slowly drips into the milk, then stirred and poured over ice for a refreshing drink.

Espresso Tonic

Espresso Tonic is a refreshing drink that started in Sweden. It combines double espresso poured over tonic water with ice.

To prepare this drink, fill a glass with ice and tonic water and let it sit while brewing a double shot of espresso. Pour the espresso gently over the ice and tonic, creating layers. This drink can be enjoyed by watching the layers blend or stirring for a mixed taste.

In conclusion, various coffee drinks from around the world offer unique flavors and experiences. Crafted with specific techniques and ingredients, each drink provides a glimpse into the culture it originates from. From the creamy layers of Irish Coffee to the refreshing kick of Espresso Tonic, these coffee creations are worth exploring.

Whether you prefer the bold taste of Vietnamese Coffee or the sweet treat of an Affogato, there is something for every coffee lover. So, the next time you crave a coffee, consider trying one of these unique global delights. They not only satisfy your caffeine needs but also offer a journey into different coffee traditions.

This exploration of global coffee drinks serves as a reminder of the diverse and rich coffee culture that exists. Each recipe tells a story, and each flavor transports you to a different part of the world. Enjoying these beverages can be an adventure in itself, broadening your coffee horizons.